I know I haven’t written in awhile, but my brain just hasn’t made the words to write very clear.

I’ve had a really good couple of weeks. I’d like to take the words “time heals” and rough ‘em up a bit, but it’s true, and it’s not true.  At some point in the last few weeks I’ve made it past the point where my dead baby is not the only thing on my mind.  I do not feel the need for Maggie to be in all of my conversations, and no longer hope intensely that everyone, even at checkouts of stores the clerks will for some crazy reason bring up my personal grief and baby loss. Win.  I’ve realized this time could not be forced, but instead had to happen on it’s own.  Not to say that my baby and grief don’t occupy my mind anymore, they do, I’m just better at merging the real world and my own now, I guess.

That being said, Thanksgiving was rough. I’ve never been really into Holidays, where the presents had to be opened Christmas morning, and for Thanksgiving I usually just hope that the whole family can all be together at some point. When I woke up for Thanksgiving day this year I was a mess. I cried all morning and into the afternoon. The pain and sadness - it all consumed me completely. I didn’t go serve a meal to the less fortunate as I have the last few years. I felt selfish, but couldn’t bring myself to go. I visited Maggie’s grave and cried there, harder I think than I ever have.  I miss her. I was invited to join in on several meals but just wanted to be alone with my grief.  Then I went to work for twelve hours as best I could.

I say this to be honest, not to get sympathy.  It was hard.  I guess I also write this so readers may be mindful of people during the holidays that are missing someone special.

Christmas time I’ve realized is going to be really difficult. I knew it would be, but now I know how I may be overwhelmed.  I get to spend a whole week with my husband’s family in a beautiful place enjoying each others wittiness and loving spirits. But I am also very aware that there will be a new nephew of mine there - born less than two weeks before Maggie - who I really want to know, but I will watch take in all his “firsts” of Christmas while I take in all the “firsts” without my baby.  I ask for prayers over this. I want to be loving, caring and respectful to my family and still somehow be able to grieve my sadness and loss. I cry just thinking about it.

So Sunday is my birthday!  I can’t help but wonder what Maggie might have pointed to for her Daddy to buy me. Sheesh.

For the last 15 years The Compassionate Friends has organized candle-lighting services which are now happening worldwide for bereaved families of children of any age. Several countries and hundreds of US cities light candles the second Sunday of December at 7 p.m. local time.  It creates a virtual wave of light as time zone to time zone children are being remembered.  Maggie will be included in our local program and slide show.  Almost makes me nervous somehow!  

This year’s second Sunday is also my birthday! I am happy to share my day remembering her. What I would love for my birthday is for anyone with a memory or note about my daughter to send messages here in her remembrance.  Join me at 7 p.m. in letting her light shine and light a candle at home for one hour. I realize most people never got to meet her, but I do believe that her reach was far.

If anyone is interested in finding a local candle-lighting service The Compassionate Friends website goes state by state with cities hosting services. There are also services organized by some hospitals and small towns called Love Light Tree.  I did not find a common website of listed cities.

Auntie Amy
12/7/2011 09:50:17 pm

Well said. Being prayerful. Love you, see you soon!

Don Brimberry
12/7/2011 10:26:31 pm

Joy, I want to send a memory of Maggie for The Sunday night remembrance. I spent awhile sitting with her while Stephen held her in the hospital. She was beautiful, quiet, peaceful, happy in her daddy's arms. We talked of the value of her life, and how she could teach you and Stephen many things. She was/is a precious child of God, and I was so happy to have that brief time with
her. My prayers are with you both during these Christmas holidays. I will light a candle for Maggie on Sunday night.

12/7/2011 10:31:55 pm

Joy, I think of you often and am sending extra prayers and thoughts your way during the holiday season.

12/7/2011 10:39:40 pm

Hi Joy,
Thank you for writing.
When my friend lost her baby to SIDS three years ago, her brother also had a baby weeks apart from her son. She had those same feelings seeing her nephew. It has been hard marking her son's should-have-been milestones by watching her nephew reach his. Over time, I believe that has eased a bit, but I wonder if it ever goes away completely.
We'll light a Maggie candle here in Caracas this Sunday night. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.

My memory of Maggie will forever be the image of you holding her, looking down on her with so much love. The first time I saw those early pictures of you two together, I thought, THAT is the image of a mother's love. What a beautiful mother you are, and how blessed Maggie was by your love.

Maggie's life - and yours and Stephen's story - has touched so many, from far and near. You are loved.

Much love,

Cheryl Thornton
12/7/2011 10:58:57 pm

Sweet Joy, thank you for sharing your feelings with such openness and honesty. I still pray for you every day, and even though I don't get to see you often, I feel like I'm getting to know you better through your blog. My heart and thoughts are with you through this holiday season because I know how difficult it is to go through them when you've lost someone so very precious to you. I also know the guilty feelings you are experiencing over trying to move forward. But God is so good, and His timing is always perfect. He WILL bring you through this, and you can look back on this time with bitter sweetness when your next season of time is here.

12/7/2011 11:01:31 pm

I don't know how to describe my response to your writing. It involves mind/body and spirit. Each time you take up your pen and lay your thoughts and feelings down with respect for your grief over losing Maggie you light a candle. Your heart, open and vulnerable, is a reflection of your faith in God's powerful commitment to love us exactly as we are. No need to hurry, or censor your weariness or tears, your grieving process is yours and it is perfect. All of our relationships are redefined by loss, and no one knows what to do. It is so courageous and extremely difficult to 'be curious' about the changes, challenges and the intense emotions surrounding Maggie's life story. Both you and Stephen seem to stay connected to your inner turmoil and trust the Lord with all of it. You give me hope. Today is my mom's birthday. She died five years ago, here in my home with my kids and my sisters by her side. After five years I still wake with tears on special days like this, missing my devoted mom, a dear friend and my partner raising those kids.(I had been divorced 14 years by 2006) Nearly every day the lessons of her life or her death speak to me. I will continue to learn as long as my heart is open...
Prayers for you to find comfort during the holidays. I will light a candle for Maggie and my mom this evening.

12/8/2011 12:05:02 am

Joy, I just love that you've found an outlet like this that keeps me in the conversation despite the miles. I have been thinking of both of you and praying a lot, too. Lots of love is being sent your way this holiday season!

Kassy Etzel
12/8/2011 03:50:38 am

The tree lighting ceremonies are amazing. We recently (6/29/11h lost an amazing man.... Nick van dyke. He was remembered in the lighting this year and made us realize how amazing he is.
Thank you for sharing.

Jessica G.
12/8/2011 04:51:21 am

We'll be lighting candles that night anyway as part of our advent preparation. What a great idea--we'll light one for Maggie as well. We'll be talking about joy this week as part of our family's little advent service--it seems fitting that Maggie and your family should be part of that conversation. We're praying for you this year. We love you guys.

12/8/2011 05:31:58 am

I have been thinking about you and Maggie so much. Every day. I know that the holidays are hard for anyone that has lost someone they loved deeply, and you have felt the most powerful and intense love, that of a mother or father for their child, and then lost her. It makes sense that the holidays are overwhelming. I wish that I could somehow take away some of your pain, but know that I am praying for you to feel God's peace and that I am here for you. Thank you for the light that you are in Christ to all of us. I will light every candle in my house for Maggie Sunday.

12/8/2011 05:40:44 am


Brandie and I will be praying for you and Stephen. You are both very strong Christians. Maggie's life and your struggle are an unfortunate blessing because so many people learned how to lean on God through horribly tough times. We will light a candle and remember with a smile the love that Maggie shared.

Peter and Brandie

Vanessa Spivey
12/8/2011 06:23:59 am

Thinking of you!
Michael and I actually went to a candle light service last night in memory of Dylan. It was nice, but hard, there were so many babies/kids there, as well as pregnant women... Sigh.

12/8/2011 06:29:27 am

Your writing causes me to think of the song we all learned as children...This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine! Every time I read something you or Stephen write, that song comes into my brain and I begin humming it! You both are light to so many and of course, we will light a candle for Maggie this Sunday evening and continue our prayer covering over each of you! My memory of Maggie is the absolutely loving picture of you holding her and Stephens hand supporting her little body. The loving expression on your face is priceless and your heart continues to be filled with precious memories of a child God gave you and blessed you in ways you may never understand.
The gathering around her little body at Westover when we had her service and we sang There's a Stirring and Bind Us Together as you committed Maggie to her LORD, will never gather cobwebs but will be as clear tomorrow as it was then. Thank you for carrying us along on your journey and sharing your heart and soul with us. Love, prayer, blessings to you both!!

Mattson family
12/10/2011 05:30:26 am

Joy, I only met you once in Cheyenne but please know that I continue to pray for you and Stephen every day, and ask God to somehow give you some peace and solace. I was just thinking this morning of how difficult the season may be for you and all those who have lost loved ones. The pictures you have of you and Maggie are just beautiful. We'll be lighting a candle!

12/10/2011 11:48:48 am

Thinking of you and Stephen today as I have most days in the past 9-10 months. As I remember Maggie, I see her wrapped up tightly at night in her warmer in the NICU. Her little nose and fuzzy blonde hair. I visited her often in the quiet of the night to say a little prayer over her , for her and for you and Stephen. And the last night I saw her, you were rocking her with Stephen sitting nearby. So many things I wanted to say that night but didn't know how.
My heart is so touched by your love and faithfulness through such pain and loss. I will light a candle tomorrow night in remembrance of your precious Maggie.
My prayers go up on your behalf daily.
With Love,

12/10/2011 03:34:25 pm

I never got to meet Maggie and only got to know her through the blog, your journey, and photos. However the journey that you all have been on has left a mark on our family. She gave us the precious gift of our son restoring his relationship with Christ. Your journey through your pregnancy and Maggie's sweet life has been a powerful testimony.
Thank you precious Maggie for this gift. We will be lighting a candle for you.
Joy thank you for your tender heart and sharing your feelings.

Love you!!!!

12/11/2011 04:01:36 am

Happy Birthday Joy! I know this is a bittersweet day, but I hope you're able to enjoy a great day with Stephen in honor of you while also honoring Maggie. I'd like to share a little of how Maggie touched my life.

I will admit I really struggled with the plan God had for Maggie. It hurt me for ya'll as my friends, and it hurt me for Maggie. Kevin and I have been trying/praying for a baby for over 18 months now, and what we hoped was the plan for our family is not what God had in mind. I know the plan you hoped for Maggie and your family is also not the plan God had in mind. I remember feeling very confused, angry and sad during the end of your pregnancy and during Maggie's life. "Why, God?" I asked over and over. I still feel feelings of confusion, anger and sadness, but God really touched my heart at Maggie's funeral through you and Stephen, Scott and the words of others. I was amazed by you and your courage, love and strength as a mother. I was amazed by the words Scott read of people whose lives were changed b/c of you and Maggie's journey. Maggie helped remind me that God is in control and has a plan for every single human he created. Maggie helped remind me of what a miracle and gift Jake is. Maggie helped me see the power and strength of a Christian marriage. Maggie helped me see the beauty in God's creation.

I know I will never forget Maggie as long as I live. I'm honored to remember her today on the same day as your birth. I truly believe Maggie's light shined beyond what any of us realize, and I will join you in lighting a candle tonight at 7.

Love, Kellie

12/11/2011 06:36:02 am

Moments for Maggie

Standing in my living room, hearing of your creation, I was filled with joy and excitement for you and your mommy and daddy.
Sitting on a couch, hearing of your troubles, I was filled with pain and worry for you and your mommy and daddy.
Reading on my computer, hearing of your growth and your parents' heartache, I was filled with desperate hope for you and your mommy and daddy.
Talking with your mommy, I watched the ripples and jumps on her belly as you stretched and hiccuped, and we dreamed of playdates and birthdays and friendships.

Maggie, I choose to remember you as the promise of life that you brought; as the symbol of hope and strength in a God greater than our troubles. We may not share in earthly "firsts" with you, but we look forward to sitting in the presence of our Heavenly Father with you--a first you have been blessed to experience already.

You are surely missed here on earth, but you will not be forgotten. This is not the end, we know. And we will light a candle to remember, until we meet again.

Sarah B
12/11/2011 07:33:23 am

I remember how she loved a good hand-helmet. How we watched the various levels on the monitor and were surprised when levels would improve when most people's would have worsened. How even with tubes on her face she was still so beautiful. I remember before she was born feeling so honored when she kicked the monitors on your belly "for me." I remember Maggie bringing a whole church to its knees...


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