One year.  One year has passed since we first had any glimpse that the year and our life would be much different than planned.  It was Sunday night, Dec 19th, 2010.  “You need to go see your doctor, soon.”  I will never forget that. 

Tonight I worked my twelve-hour shift into the early morning.  As I headed out the door, I said goodbye and wished a merry Christmas to my co-workers.  Just before I left one of the doctors with a beard asks, “What do you want for Christmas?” all Santa Clause-like.  I immediately stated, “a healthy baby”, while in my head thinking “duh”!  I exited the building and for whatever reason started weeping. 

Then entered, the Bargaining Stage.  I found myself in the cold fog crying and praying to God to please let my baby live!  I realized exactly what was happening.  I know my Maggie is dead.  Not coming back.  But here I found myself bargaining, not for her life, but another inside me.  I just kept thinking, “what can I do God so that you will allow this one to live, I’ll do anything, please!”  Oh that pesky grieving process, caught me again.  I know this number three inside me has a strong heart beat, faster than Maggie’s ever was, and moves and squirms far more than Magster ever did on screen. But…God please let this one live!!! I will do anything!

Cool applicable bible verse inserted here.  I’m too tired now to search some out.  I think on these words often though from Psalms, “I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord…” Thank you for your help Lord, when I am weak, bargaining, tired.

Thank you to everyone who lit a candle for my family and daughter.  You made the remembrance bearable and really quite special.  I felt very cared about by the huge response.  Montana Christmas vacation starts tomorrow.  Eek!  I’m full of excited today.  Prayers are appreciated, I love you all.  Nighty night.

12/20/2011 12:47:44 am

i am praying so hard for your family. my experience with loss was so very different from yours, but i remember being where you are. i remember what a relief it was to find the deadbabymama corner of the blog world; where people talked about their babies by name. and i remember bargaining with God until the moment my next baby cried in the delivery room. i'm praying that this pregnancy will result in a healthy baby you get to take home with you.
Psalm 69:13 "But as for me, Lord, my prayer to You is for a time of favor. In Your abundant, faithful love, God, answer me with Your sure salvation."

praying for you
1/17/2012 01:49:44 am

You are a strong woman. I don't even know you and i adore you. I want you to know I am praying for the baby in your tummy every day. I am begging the Lord to bless you and Stephan with a healthy baby. Nothing is as amazing as watching your children grow from birth through all the stages of their lives. I will continue to pray until he/she is born.

7/12/2012 01:00:41 am

THX for info


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