I have been going to a moms group that meets every week.  I don't know why I go. 
I want to be a mommy, I have been a mom, 26 days exactly, but I don't feel like I am a mom now. Some say, "Of course you are a mom, once a mom always a mom".  Well, have
your only child die off and see how you feel then.  This week we discussed
having a thankful heart.  
I shared with my group that during Maggie's birth, death, and burial  we
somehow made in through able to thank God for our blessings.  I had a scary
pregnancy yet still could take in the joys of a growing child in
my belly, even if the growing was sub par. A song that was our anchor during the
sea of hurt  and pain says "You give and take away, but my heart will
choose to say, Lord blessed be your name".  I don't know how, but me and my
husband have been able to keep our heads above the water and sing these words
and believe what we are singing.  Someone in the group immediately said
"with prayers".  Probably.  
I've been thinking the rest of this week about in the Bible in Mark 10:15
Jesus says, "anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will
never enter it".  Think about how children pray.  Simple, with a
thankful heart.  Here is my prayer of thanks.
thank You for my patient, understanding, loving husband
thank You for my mommy, daddy, brothers and sister
for rain
green grass
my job that I love and the people I work with
my phone
airplanes and pilots
baby blanket I sleep with every night
my car
my pretty hair color and cut
neclace with Maggie's name engraved
generosity of friends and family, some I've never met
music and playlists
deadbabymama blogs
my pups, Eddie and Juno
cards in the mail
getting the mail
pretty flowers on my table that match the flowers at Maggies grave
frozen pizzas and delivery
clean sheets

A couple of weeks ago two of my friends visited Maggie at the cemetary with me, one of them brought her two daughters.  Before we left the older girl was asked to say a prayer for Maggie.  This is how it started.  "Dear God, thank You for Maggie, thank you for the pretty flowers..."  The younger girl, barely walking age was prompted to say, "Goodbye, Maggie, we love you..."  Such a great moment for me.  Two little girls who love othes so easily, and love my Maggie. 

10/11/2011 01:36:49 am

Joy, you are a beautiful writer. While I don't feel the grief that you feel, I grieve with you. Your thoughts bring tears to my eyes, and my heart is with you, even though I rarely know what to say to you in person. We love you and your family so much.

10/11/2011 03:58:57 am

I wish I could offer you more than words of encouragement and prayers. But you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Your story and journey through this grief and pain is touching many hearts and strengthening many people's faith in God. You are a beautiful and strong woman Joy. God is good.

10/11/2011 04:36:46 am

Hey, Joy,
Know that I'm loving you from afar. Your thoughts are filled with a tender mixture of joy and sorrow- as they should be. You are forever changed and have been opened up to a side of your heart that before Maggie was hidden, untapped-- a tender, raw, growing part of yourself that only God knew about before. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but one day, that part of you will be your best part, for it allows you incredible insight into the mind, the eyes, the touch, the breathe of God. Embrace it as best you can. Loving you... deb

10/24/2011 01:46:04 am

Joy, I loved reading your simpe, childlike prayer! Children truly have it right on when it comes to love, praying to God etc. Every time we pray together we encourage our two kids (2 and 3) to say the prayer. Sometimes we can't help but giggle at what they say but their prayers are full of thanks. They are thankful for ligts turning on and off, for the fly in the house, for bible class, sippies, blankies etc. They have given my husband and I encouragement and inspirtion. My kids even thank God for their boo-boo's...i can't remember the last time I thanked God for an injury or pain but in everything we need to give thanks! Children are sweet reminders of our Father. I'm so encouraged by your strength and wisdom Joy! Praying, Charity


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